Post-Liberal Post

Who fact-checks the news?

Posted in Conservative Insanity by billmeradeia on January 1, 2010
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Conservatives are going insane.  Fox News is pretending that the Tea Party protests are an independent, grassroots movement.  That is a baldfaced lie.  The monetary force behind the movement is former Majority Legislator Dick Army’s company, Freedomworks.  This political action group pays the supposed volunteers to organize, lobby, and protest against Healthcare and Reform.  Freedomworks staffers were caught redhanded provoking radicals to disrupt town halls.  One of the many corporate sponsors of Freedomworks is the Altria group, which recently took the new slogan:  “Altria, Using Kraft, Nabisco and Philip Morris-brand products to kill you for over a century.”  That’s right, people.  The Tea Party movement is sponsored by cigarette companies.

But forget the partisan atmosphere.  I’m not going to point out that after 9/11, Democrats and Liberals put aside politics and stood united behind George W. Bush.  He used this trust to start the Iraq War, which perhaps explains why Fox News is so suspicious about Obama’s connection to the Christmas bomber.  Is Bush to blame for 9/11?  No, of course not.  So why is any of this Obama’s fault?

And Cheney is in rare form this Christmas season.  He was living in a mountain near Centcom for eight years, virtually unavailable to the media or public.  Now all of a sudden he wants some attention.  Never mind that Bush and Cheney released the two radical jihadis who provided the explosives.  The Imams were in GitMo until 2006, when the White House authorized their return to Yemen.  It was Cheney’s office who first allowed this man, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to gain a Visa.  I think Cheney was just disappointed the attack failed.  The Neo-Con agenda has no room for morality, decency, or even truth.

Rep. Grayson to Cheney: Stop Talking

Posted in Conservative Insanity by billmeradeia on December 13, 2009

What is the point of Dick Cheney complaining about Obama’s policies?  Cheney already spent eight years as President, and look where it got America. This is a quote from Cheney, which I found particularly stupid because it seems to be a good definition of the Executive role.

Cheney:  I begin to get nervous when I see the commander in chief making decisions apparently for what I would describe as small ‘p’ political reasons, where he’s trying to balance off different competing groups in society.

In other words, forging consensus.  How radical.

Conspiracy Unit: Military Industrial Complex

Posted in Conspiracies by billmeradeia on December 4, 2009
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Conclusion:  True, and Lehman Brothers is now called L-3.

During his final speech as president, General Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against the encroachment of power by something he called the Military Industrial Complex.  This totally awesome phrase immediately spawned a generation of hippie conspiracy theorists, who after Nixon were ready to believe their government had been taken over by a cartel of industrial cronies.  Focusing too heavily on the secretive nature of the New World Order only distracts from the Truth:  The military companies and industrial interests that control politics in America all have web sites.

Let’s start with the Information Branch of the MIC.  After people started paying attention to Vietnam, it became apparent that the CIA was bringing South-Asian heroin into the US to fund their wars in Cambodia and Thailand, as well as South America and the Middle East.  In the mid-70s the CIA was forced to sell a controlling interest in the Air Asia company, which had airports, repair teams, and crew centers all across Asia.  The drugs were moved through Taiwan into America, and supplied to the public.  This arrangement had three benefits; 1)  It removed the Opium trade from the hands of the Sicilian Mafia, 2) It made blacks and minorities sluggish, addicted and crime-prone, and 3) Drugs provided an endless fund of money for covert operations.  Losing Air Asia would have ended this, so the CIA sold the airline and resources to a company called E-Systems, which is now a subsidiary of Raytheon.  The key to understand the Intelligence MIC is that it consists of dozens of major businesses, groups, managing boards, and holding companies.  However, these companies provide a home to many key members of the CIA after leaving office.  E-Systems is particularly well-funded by taxpayers, and is the only company I know that has a letter of recommendation from the Defense Department for foreign leaders.  It’s been accused of selling faulty equipment worldwide, but has faced no serious sanctions by the US government.  Years ago, three companies bought a substantial portion of E-Systems, including buildings and personnel.  Lehman Brothers was a member the conglomerate, L-3, and continues to survive through this arrangement even after the bankruptcy of the financial units (without paying the debts incurred during the rape of America’s economy).  Raytheon scooped up the rest of E-Systems.  The Intelligence Complex is what Halliburton would be if the Board was staffed with ex-CIA instead of Defense Secretaries.

This leads us to the second wing of the Military Industrial Complex, the Defense Branch.  This is composed of all the big-name brands that came under fire during the Iraq war for inefficient service, lax standards, price gouging, no-bid contracts, and a loose definition of the term ‘services rendered’.  Halliburton, Bechtel, Kellogg Brown and Root, and countless others.  Halliburton alone has over 300 subsidiaries, many of them entirely funded by US taxpayers to develop weapons sold (for private profit) to any nation with money.  The Directors have developed ties with men like Cheney, Bush and  Rumsfield, using political donations and secret deals to consolidate support.  Cheney in particular is a master of the “Blind Trust“, the legal act of avoiding conflicts of interest by hiding stocks like Halliburton that directly profit from his war-mongering decisions.  The ultimate symbol of the Defense Branch is the Carlyle group, which blurs the line between recruiting from the CIA and Whitehouse by employing both George Bush senior and junior.

That’s enough for now.  There are other branches of the Military Industrial Complex, but trying to explain more would only lead to confusion.  There’s Goldman Sachs, which owns the Treasury, and another Branch controlled entirely by Rupert Murdoch.  Then of course there is the international framework; the IMF, World Bank, G8, WTO, etc.  But relax, America.  This is not a real conspiracy.  Rest assured that whatever Eisenhower was referring to occurred decades ago.  Trying to remove these groups and companies from power would cripple the American economy, which by now is entirely dependent on defense spending and borrowing on the credit of future generations.  Look, if anyone doubts me, just ask yourself one question; if Halliburton is an oil-drilling company, why is it making meals for the army?

Rupert Murdoch

Posted in Conservative Insanity by billmeradeia on November 11, 2009
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I am so sick of Rupert Murdoch and his lies.  The man started out like the Hearst family, with a string of trashy pulp newspapers that were basically Australian versions of the National Enquirer.  Now he owns a majority of the News sources I used to rely on for information.  Look at the opinion page of the Wall Street Journal for Wednesday, Nov. 11th.  Although you wouldn’t know it by the titles, every single article is an attack on either Obama’s policies or Al Gore.   I am disgusted and shocked that Holman Jenkins, jr. would claim the Gore-man was in a conflict of interest because he owned stock in Green Tech Companies.  DICK CHENEY owned a blind trust consisting of stocks that profited every time a bomb went off in Iraq.  I would love to find out what companies he is working with now that he is no longer VP.  By the way, an Afghanistan troop increase order form sat on Cheney’s desk until the president signed it.  Too bad that President was Obama.

And the WSJ global warming article is full of flat-out lies.  It claims no one predicted that temperatures would drop in the 90s.  In fact, Dr. Charles Keeling, known by some as the father of Global Warming, used his math to predict 1991 would one of the colder years on record.  He did it again a few years later, well in advance of the actual dates in question.  That should have silenced his critics, but nowhere does the Article even mention Keeling’s name.  He did not, as the article claims, revisit his faulty logic after weather patterns began to spike down.  Keeling used the same Greenhouse gas models that initially predicted a warmer future, and both years he was stunningly accurate in predicting the future.  Enough already, Rupert Murdoch.  Go back to Australia, nobody wants you here.  I knew it was over for the Journal when Karl Rove, aka Turdburger (Bush’s name for him) started writing opinion pieces.